Stuckists's avatar


painting over smugness
Years Ago
56 Members42 Watchers

Comments 31

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Thanks for featuring Perched! I'm honored : ) 
Very true, death to conceptual art, no more chairs glued to walls or squares on a huge white canvas.
So true, and welcome.
I like the approach of making folders for artists and then inviting them. And I like a lot of the rhetoric and witty criticism of adventurism (thank you "spell-check"). Hope your group takes off.
Thank you,

I really like your group :iconfine-art-asylum: the group page is absolutely beautiful. And the content is outstanding. As a fine artists my work gets shunned from the mainstream commercial art juggernaut groups. The ego and replies form these groups are laughable, your lines are to sketchy, the textures are blurry, its not clean, and my favorite "I don't know what it is".

(thank you "spell-check" as well, but my grammar still sucks" I definitely want your group to take off, and if you wanted to work together, Affiliate, or just keep submitting art.. it would be an honor.

I think many groups are looking for work that follows a pre-existing template or formula. So, it's really a question of how well one works within template x, y or z. Since I don't work with a pre-existing template/formula, my work gets bounced a lot by groups. I also believe many groups prefer mediocrity.

Uh, one of my best pieces, the "alien autopsy" [link] has less favorites than something I did as a joke, with bird shit landing on a ballerina's head: [link]

The irony is that people don't even see the bird shit, and just marvel at the faked ballerina under a sunrise. It was becoming so popular that I had to reveal that it was a photo-manipulation so more wouldn't be suckered into thinking it was a snap of a lifetime.

I prefer material that wasn't done with a generic formula and isn't mediocre. Uh, that's why I eventually made my own group, though I haven't had as much free time to work on it lately. And, most that generic photo-manipulation and ultra-refined expensive photography of meaningless subjects won't make it in.
Thank you for inviting me to your group...there are some awesome galleries here, I look forward to being a part of it.